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Monday, July 15, 2013

Catching Up & Supporting the Bellas

Whew, it has been a moment since I have blogged and what can I say life just rather took over.  However, I did want to check up on everyone see what is going on, as I know many of you are participating in the Money challenge wanted to see how you all were doing on that. I have gotten off track and not been able to get back on so I’ll be trying this again next year.  

In addition, I wanted to let you guys know about some major things that a few of my friends are doing.  They are on a #ExCUREsion to talk about their campaign #iHatecancer and they could use your support they are looking for sponsors and its simple donate $1.00 for 1 mile they have been on the road for 3 days now and have visited Memphis and St Louis and they are pushing on.  If you want a #iHateCancert-shirt they are available for $20.00 and 70% of the proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. Check out the BellaGyrls on facebook and on their blog.

Missy showing her support for the Bella's.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Jonathan & Sherbert Made the 4 Paws Newsletter

Check out team Jonathan & Sherbert... They made the 4 Paws for Print newsletter and they also made a donation back to the organization...


If your thinking about getting a service dog for your special needs child I strongly suggest 4 Paws for Ability as a matter of fact our family endorses them.

A Testimony of what it can mean:
This morning at I don't know what time my son made the attempt to elope from the house through the front door needless to say his service dog "Sherbert" went into alert mode barking loudly and strongly making sure an adult got up to see what was going on. I was able to move quick enough that my son never went outside he had just gotten the locks turned to open the door. When I saw a life saver she's that and much more.

Be Blessed,
Jonathan, Sherbert, & Missy

Monday, May 13, 2013


Are you the parent of a special needs child especially an autism child who elopes often well here is a great resource for you the Big Red Safety Box.  

I got mine two years ago and I will tell you it has been a lifesaver.  I have alarms on my son’s door, the front and back door, and most recently our services dog kennel.  There are also big red visual signs that say stop for you to place in areas that will help your child realize it is a bad situation.  There are also shoe ID tags for kids who may get away and you want people to be able to find you.  

If you’re not a special needs parent but want to help please check out this link on how you can make a donation that can help a family keep their love ones safe. 

You can get your application on May 17 be sure to sign up quickly as they don’t have many to give and you want to be ready to submit when it’s opened. If you miss the May 17 set do not worry they open application times often.

**If you want to simply purchase yours and not wait on the application deadline here's the link.**

Be Blessed,
Misherald "Missy", Jonathan "JB" & Sherbert "SB" Brown

Monday, May 6, 2013

Because Of Them We Can: A Powerful Movement

Eunique Jones Gibson is the mastermind behind the "Because of Them, We Can..." movement that has taken over Facebook as well as other social media sites. Many of us wake up every morning waiting on her to post the next photo of her project that was launched during Black History Month.  Her goal was simple to inspire and empower today's youth to be great and by connecting them with individuals of the past and presents who have set the trails for them to excel I'm not sure she realize exactly how quickly the project would catch on or how much of a impact she would make but now a days many of us oohh and ahh over her creation and have nagged her about publishing her pieces into a coffee book and needless to say she's trying to make that happen.

You can be of help to kick start this project off by helping her get the funds needed to establish a book that will be great Christmas gifts as well as gifts for any young child interested in history.

The book will feature all 365 images along with information about the individuals (or schools & organized featured).  The money raised will go towards Design & Layout, Copy editing  Printing & Delivery, expenses associated with completing the project, as well as fees associated with the Kick starter program.


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Is Social Media Taking Over Your Life

Have you realized how much time you spend on social media sites and other things that keep you distract from really getting the things that really need to be done taken care of?  

There is an app on the Mac OS that can help you regain yourself control. The App is actual called Self Control.  The way this app works is it blocks distracting websites for a set time so if you find that you’re a Twitter addict or maybe spend way too much time on Facebook  and not getting what you need done to be successful in life you can set this application for up to four hours.  Your browser will act as if it is offline for that period when you try to go to that site.  The beautiful thing is no matter how many times you attempt to restart your computer or reboot your computer that time will not restart.  The great thing about this app is you have what is called a whitelist and a blacklist so that way you do not have to completely disable the internet you simply disabled what you need to stay away from to be focus.  This particular app is only for Mac users however, PC users can check out the Freedom app it is similar.

If you’re not to the point that you don’t need to disabled sites but maybe you want to take notice of how much time your spending where online then check out the app called Track Time it will audit how much time you spend on your computer as well as the different programs you use.  So if Firefox is where you do a lot of your other stuff (for instance I work in Google Chrome but I socialize in Firefox) this program would tell me how much time I spend where.  Track Time can be ran in the background, it will show you a timeline of your online life, and it is an effective wake up call to make you take notice of your online time.  Too bad this is only for Mac users and there is not a PC app out right now that is comparable.

Don't let social media take over your life unless that's what your paid for!

Truly Blessed,

Misherald "Missy", Jonathan "JB" & Sherbert "SD" Brown

Monday, April 29, 2013

2013 NFL Draft and A Little Advice To Our Big Dreamers

So I spent most of my weekend sitting at my desk listening to the NFL Draft on the ESPN website while I’m not a Gamecock fan even though I’m born and bred here out of South Carolina I was simply rooting for Marcus Lattimore if you’re not sure who he is check out his story.  I was also lurking trying to see whom my Tennessee Titans were picking and to see where my Tennessee Volunteer boys were going but one thing that one of the announcers said that stood out to me was:

ESPN reporter just said it best. The sports scholarship that these students’ sign are actually contracts. College sports is a business the sports department and school pays for text books, room, and board plus tuition and the kids pay with their sweat, blood and time. Always make sure your babies got a backup and not just a pipe dream.

And it really made me stop and think I mean really how many of our kids have these dreams of being some major league ball player whether it’s baseball, football or basketball and they make the mistake of filling their heads up with all this glitz and glamor from what they see in today’s world.  Parents as the first role models to our children it’s imperative that we set the motion that education is important and then allow for them to understand that while they may be good enough to make it that sometimes just being good enough isn’t enough.  Marcus was driven to succeed he was determine to make it and he was given his opportunity while we probably won’t see him play this season he’s got time to grow on the San Francisco 49ers squad and I’m sure we will be hearing more about his progress.  I am very proud of the way that the SEC situation went we had quite a few guys go to the majors and I am going to love seeing these guys excel in their game.

I can truly say we have some good role models in some good positions but even they are human and they make mistakes to.

Truly Blessed,
Missy B

BellaGyrls~ Keeping It Real

It’s not often you find a person who bares their selves to the world to simply help others but that’s what one of the BellaGyrl’s did today in her post on the BellaGyrl website.  Bellagyrl Tee wrote about rejection and low self-esteem.  I have to say that this is something that many females deal with but simply do not know how to express their selves or reach out for help to overcome the issue because they feel either it makes them weak or they will simply be rejected again.  

I love how the Bella’s take life issues and bring them to the table help people not just women but people everywhere overcome everyday issues and began to build better self-images without worrying but what others think.  The Bella’s have done a Fitness Program together right now they are doing a #iHateCancer campaign where 70% of their proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. So as you can see they take consulting, branding and advertising to a completely new level while continuing to be the It Gyrls!

The Bella’s have an app on the IOS systems called BellaGyrls I believe that they recently or are in the process of launching the app on Google Play.  You can find them on Facebook, Pininterst, as well as Twitter.

Monday, April 22, 2013

April Check In

So let us do a check in.  Can you honestly look at your savings account and say that you have kept up with the 52-week challenge that started back in January.  I can say that I have gotten sidetracked with a small emergency that came up but I’m hoping to be back up and running soon because honestly that’s going to be my emergency money to start my nest egg off of.  I would suggest anyone who is able to and can stick to it to find somewhere to take Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. Many churches and other business holds them if you go onto his website and search you can find it.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Update on the Brown Clan

For the many who are wondering how everything is going with the new service dog at home with the Brown’s I figured I’d better get you all updated while I was taking a quick breather.  Everything is going well she has yet to step foot in the school only because before we went to get her it was kind of a mutual decision to wait until next year to try to possible implement her.  As far as around the community she has been openly accepted. Our doctor offices are always looking forward to seeing her so it’s nothing to get a reminder call from a live person saying we look forward to seeing Jonathan & Sherbert I still snicker when I hear it. Kids who are afraid of dogs are more willingly to curiously look at her as she actively assists her boy in the many things she helps with especially during PT when he does his lap around the building, we go behind him, and his therapist goes the other way the kids find it amusing LOL.  So as you can see their bond is strong and growing. 

Today was her first day going to Cub Scout with Jonathan honestly it is our first day back as well. She had been to church with us during a noonday session and was accepted without an issue (not that we were expecting any with this being our church home as well as the church that help do most of our fundraising). The boys had been used to being around the Cub Masters’ for the past two years during camping trips gearing up for the whole service dog so most of them were very interested in her and happy to see her can’t wait to see what the first camping trip is like with both of them in tow.

As for me, I have gotten use to referring to her as my baby girl and saying the babies.  People tend to look at me as if I am crazy when I say it and then I go the dog. I am still in the trying to get the house back in order from the March trip. Yes! I know it’s been like two weeks but when I return I was back in the run of the mill with work and doctor appointments but overall everything has been well I’ve been getting some really unique laughs out of these two as they try to get away with some very interesting things.  Jonathan trying to sneak bacon (the kind we eat) to Sherbert because they look like her Beg Strips or when he is eating pizza offering her some to.  I have quickly had to separate them during dinnertime do not want to explain to the vet that issue.

~Truly Blessed,

Misherald (Missy), Jonathan (JB), & Sherbert (SD) Brown

Sunday, March 31, 2013


Want to earn some really cool gifts and help me earn my free kit from my new summer catalog coming out soon. I'm looking for five awesome ladies to get up to $200.00 in order no later than 04.12.2013.  The products are Thirty One.  Please let me know if your interested in participating. You will get FREE, half price, and hostess Exclusives plus an extra $25.00 from me to spend.  Let me know ASAP so I can get you catalogs!!

Contact Information:
Phone: **MLB1920 (must dial from a cell)
Phone (Landline) 843-608-8169

Are You Aware Of Autism Awareness Day...

The sixth annual World Autism Awareness Day is two days away. Every year, autism organizations around the world celebrate the day with unique fundraising and awareness-raising events. While I’m not a organization trying to raise funds for the event I’d like to help people become more aware of the disability so I’m asking anyone and everyone to wear blue tomorrow and if anyone asks you why your wearing blue just tell them it’s because it’s World Autism Awareness Day and make them aware of it.  All that I ask is you share this event so that we can make more people aware of this.  If your company is doing the March of Dimes blue jeans event please participate.

We would love to see your photos of you rocking blue this year to raise awareness.  Feel free to join our event via Facebook.

Best Regards,
Misherald “Missy” Brown
Mom of Jonathan “JB” & Sherbert “Service Dog” Brown

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 8: Not the clearest day but a good day

While today was not as good as yesterday, it was good to be able to get things done because people were willing to help to allow it to be done.  While it was still a little white here in Ohio another family sat with J and his sitter to ensure he was okay since the other half of the class was in session with the help of an iPad all was well.  Sherbert and I were able to go to a local park and track one of the trainers. We did good other than a little confusion because she couldn’t’ figure out who she was looking for we were on it once she figured out she was looking for the trainer she was so good I almost couldn’t keep up with her and ended up on my knees in the snow. No, there are no pictures of that moment: D!
Today we worked on some of the commands we already knew as well as getting our pups to kiss, which for the most part Sherbert has down pack, she has no problem giving J a kiss when he is upset.  The pups are all taught how to play dead and it’s quite interesting to see them in action Sherbert kind of does her in a funny mode she rolls half way then kind of looks at you like are you sure this is what you want lol.  Other than that today was an overview and reinforcement. J was a little more all over the place especially since he was use to his sitter he thought he could test the waters but was surprise to see we had reinforcements in place for him.

After the weird night we had I was feeling a little worn down but I was super impress with the Hampton Inn at Fairborn not only is the front desk team amazing but also they are courteous.  For some reason this morning, I simply could not get myself out of the bed I was up but totally out of place at around ten to nine I got a call from the front desk. They were concern because usually by eight I’ve already walked Sherbert not only were they concern but they had taken care of uncovering my car with snow and as I ran out the door to try and get to Xenia on time the front desk manager handed me a bag breakfast.  All I could do is smile and think I am truly blessed to be among people who truly care.

Not much to share today as I felt I was sort of in a daze. I was truly sleepy today. Nevertheless, I look forward to telling you all about tomorrow since it is a Mall day, which means tracking!

~Truly Blessed,
Misherald “Missy”, Jonathan “JB” & Sherbert “SD” Brown

Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 7: One of our best days yet one of our busy days

Well it’s Monday the start of a new week and I must say it has been a very interesting start to my week.  Woke up to about two inches of snow and needless to say I groan.  I have not lived in a snow area since about 2002 when I was in the Army but overall it was not too bad the Ohio Department of Transportation was on their game and had cleared the highways and I was prepared to leave an hour ahead of class time. 

Realizing that we were still doing a track I was able to get out of it since my home never sees snow.  I was so happy to stay in because Sherbert was in play mode whenever we had to go outside and I was simply trying to get inside a warm area. While we were going over the basic obedience things that we have learned and making sure our pups were, falling through it was amazing to see Sherbert in action she was all over J licking and sniffing. At first I didn’t really pay it any attention because it’s nothing for her to come up to him and give him a kiss but when she really got intense and direct with it I turned to the trainer who had already tuned into them and had pointed it out to the class what we were seeing. That put me on alert because it was only the second time I had seen her do it the first time but I was not sure but this time I knew what I was looking for.   The funny thing was within a few minutes a family that had went tracking came back and their pup whose name is Fantasy suddenly jumps up and sniffs one of her kids and then proceeds to use her two front paws to crawl over me to get to Jonathan. Whom she proceeds to sniffs out which was simply her noticing the scent that Sherbert had already scented to.  Therefore, Jonathan’s sitter and I were on constant look out for anything funky from him.

Jonathan had one of the best days ever.  It is not often that we go one issue per an hour whether it is a meltdown or an argument (yes I sometimes argue with a seven year old) but it was amazing to realize we had went six whole hours without any issues. Jonathan sat and colored, played with Sherbert, and play with phones and iPads.  Can we say I was totally in awe with him because it is not often that it happens with me present.  Cannot wait for tomorrow to see if we have the same performance.

As we are driving back to the hotel I began, to realize I needed to go to Wal-Mart but I was hesitant because of so many factors and one was simply we do not often get a day without meltdowns and I was still waiting on the seizure that the dogs alerted to.  When I arrived to the hotel I was glad to see I had not stopped I looked in the backseat low and behold both of them were knocked out and lying on top of one another.  After a little negotiations with the front desk I was able to leave my car parked near the front door of the hotel (I was so happy did not want to have to fight with the whole uncovering the car from under snow tomorrow). Within minutes the two were in play mode and somehow or another Sherbert had gotten up on the desk to dig through my bags for her tennis balls. 

Do mind you the trainer just had told us stories about dogs going through the stuff and jumping on things to get tennis balls so I wasn’t really surprise but I was just glad she hadn’t break anything. I was nice and allowed them to play with their tennis ball for a few minutes before taking it the thing squeaked and Sherbert was getting bouncy. Sherbert seemed to be intent on being near Jonathan and I started noticing her go into sniff mode so I grabbed J quickly and sat him on the bed and within minutes he was in tremor mode. The funny thing was when I looked at the time I realized that Sherbert and Fantasy had alerted us eight hours ahead of time and Sherbert had picked up the spike within seconds of the seizure finally breaking through.   

My night is finish I got a snoring puppy and a knocked out boy. I am enjoying Revival with my home church and I can already see it is going to be an early night because these two have had a big day.

~Truly blessed,

Misherald “Missy”, Jonathan “JB” & Sherbert “SD” Brown

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 6: Meltdowns, Snow, & Countdown

Woke up to Sherbert doing her I have to go whine, which set me in motion because I really was not looking forward to cleaning her cage.  My morning was a rocky start not only where we late getting to the faculty which led to me feeling off kilter because I had to reroute myself and get over to the class site once I got there and got my bearings I felt better and was able to focus on what we were doing.  I have to say Sherbert was on her game this morning.  We did one track but she was on top of the footsteps that Jonathan and his friend took this morning going right to them and having that look on her face like so mom, I found him where are my dogs (hotdogs) and my tennis ball.

The DeZarn girls and Sherbert
Today was a little awkward for me because I was in a transition mode due to circumstances Jonathan’s sitter had to return home and it meant I was handling Jonathan & Sherbert. Can we say busy bodies but I am happy that the families here have bonded because I had some moms & dads stepping in to help when necessary at one point we had grandparents involved with the chaos of the kids. We began to work on behavior disruption today which includes lap as well as over which can be a large help when Jonathan is in meltdown mode or coming out of seizure mode because it’s deep pressure. 

So here is the fun part of it all or at least now that I look back over the day I think that but it was no funny or laughing matter while it was going on. We were back in the mall today and we were doing inside tracking and tethering. Now remember yesterday when I wrote about the chaos that J caused in the stores with tethering. Well today was no different Mister Brown went for ham and just cut a fool  at first I attempted to ignore it and act like nothing was going on but that lasted all of about thirty minutes because I could feel the tension headache forming behind my eyes and I can only imagine the scene we were causing.  Sooo I untethered them and that still did not satisfy him so we went through a three-hour period of an upset and temper tantrum child and a dog who did not know whether to stay by Mom’s side or to try to console his boy because his boy was simply in fight or flight mode. After a few moms stepped in and attempted to help me we finally got an idea on how to pull off a tracking situation in the mall and JcPenny’s of all places but it worked out because we made it as fun as possible.

J & Sherbert in play mode
Once back at the hotel I was hoping for a quiet moment I was even willing to let J take a quick nap for a quiet moment but he had other plans so I let Sherbert and him play for a little while to see who would tired down first. Let us just say as I write this blog he is up making noise and knocking on the wall.  Here is hope that the night manager does not call up here tonight for his mayhem…

Cannot wait to share with you tomorrow’s adventure we are official on countdown until time to go home T minus 5 days…

~Truly Blessed,
Misherald “Missy”, Jonathan “JB” & Sherbert “SD” Brown