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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Shonda Rhines Has Taken Over Thursday Nights

I am not a big television fan but I have recently caught the Shonda Rhine’s bug and I have been stuck on her two Thursday night prime time shows. I am addicted to Scandal and Grey’s Anatomy. If you were not already checking them out then I would say you are really missing out on quite a bit.

Scandal is a drama surrounding the life and work of a professional crisis manager aka the FIXER and her staff who did we forget to say have their own set of problems. As a former media relations consultant to the President, Olivia Pope aka Liv (Kerry Washington) dedicates her life to protect and defend various public image of some of the nation’s elite members.  After resigning from the White House, Liv opens her own firm hoping to open a new chapter and closing and mix personal and professional one but whoever side cutting ties was easy.  However, whenever what all of America is realizing is the Oliva Pope and Associates are excellent at fixing lives well except their own.

The doctor’s at Seattle Grace Hospitals are always in a battle whether it’s fighting for surgeries or relationships or implying fighting for their patient’s lives and winning is not always the answer.

The doctors at this amazing hospital have their own problems but when has life ever been so simply. We have had about seven seasons of Grey’s so it’s kind of hard to sum up because so much has taken place at some point we thought the show was getting a little who’s sleeping with who kind of deal but then Shonda Rhine’s return with even more drama that just blows you away.

Shonda Rhines has taken television prime time back and it is great to see shows that really make you think. Now if we can get some good ole comedy on like A Different World, Cosby Show, Fresh Prince and a few of the others from the early 90s.

Shonda Rhines
Creator of Grey's Anatomy & Scandal
If you need to catch or even get started on either series then ABC, Hulu, Netflix, or Amazon is your best friend. I would behoove you not to try and watch this Thursday's episode and then try to back track it will blow your mind unless your just a glutton to ask questions!!

Truly Blessed,

Misherald "Missy" & Jonathan "JB" Brown

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