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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Art Of Saying Thank You!

I remember growing up and always being told I had a pretty handwriting and through school it was nothing for me to get paid to write love letters, poems, the usual girl like boy type thing and I have always been proud of my penmanship. So imagine when I realized I had started using computers and other gadgets for almost everything I mean from sending small little thank you notes or RSVP for different things. In my mind, it was always being an environmentalist but honestly, as I look at it I was being lazy. Honestly, we all are being lazy when we do not take the time to write a simple and quick thank you note for someone who does something for us, buys us something, or simply does something nice.

I have come to find that handwritten notes have actually cause growth in my business as well as make me stand out to my friends. I once had a young woman who was doing her yearly give of graduating seniors, which happened to be the year I got my MBA she had given everyone a card with a small token of congrats in it.  I sent her a handwritten thank you note she called me that same day and told me thank you for being so thoughtful. It is the simple things that make a difference and forms those bonds between people. To this day, I get a quick email or call simply asking me “How are you and the little one doing?”  I did was send a thank you card.

The best thing we can do, as a culture is to teach our children so that way we do not forget about our penmanship because honestly right now it is even starting to be about technology in school. Kids are learning to write in cursive later in life I was amused when I told my eight year old little cousin to sign a document and she picks up a pen and was preparing to sign on my laptop screen when I asked her what she was doing her response was simple signing the screen. I so badly wanted to scream but then I realized what generation she was a part of. It is not necessary to spend large amounts on cards I happen to have a favorite from Target it is a pail of 200 note-cards with envelopes and I personalized them as I want and I spend less than $15.00.

Do yourself a favor and save the art of penmanship.

If you like the style above please feel free to take a brief look at my Thirty One store you can have these cards personalize to meet your style.

~Truly Blessed,

Misherald "Missy" & Jonathan "JB" Brown

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